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Elasticbeanstalk docker Using Images From a Private Repository (new)


Beginning with Docker version 1.7, the docker login command changed the name of the authentication file, and the format of the file. With Docker version 1.7 and later, the docker login command creates the authentication file in ~/.docker/config.json in the following format:

  "auths" :
    "server" :
      "auth" : "auth_token",
      "email" : "email"

With Docker version 1.6.2 and earlier, the docker login command creates the authentication file in~/.dockercfg in the following format:

  "server" :
    "auth" : "auth_token",
    "email" : "email"

Elastic Beanstalk currently requires the older ~/.dockercfg format configuration file. To convert aconfig.json file, remove the outer auths key and flatten the JSON document to match the old format.

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